Únete a Bot Libre de Socios y Afiliados programa y el apoyo de nuestra libre plataforma abierta

Clientes Y Testimonios

Únete a la Bot Libre de la comunidad, con más de 500.000 usuarios registrados y más de 100.000 bots.
Bot Libre robots son utilizados en todo el mundo, de negocios y personales, sitios web, aplicaciones móviles, redes sociales y juegos.

Está usted usando Bot Libre para su negocio? Compartir una captura de pantalla y testimonio para que tu bot y obtenga gratis un diseño personalizado en 3D de avatar, sólo correo electrónico [email protected].

Una Muestra de nuestros Clientes


"Bot Libre have provided us with first class service. Importantly the AI we use on our store provides very competent front line customer service that our customers love. It frees up our staff to manage the orders and deal with more difficult questions." - Seth Rodgers, Dr. Techlove


"We are globally really satisfied of the service provided by Paphus Solutions." - Jérémy Reynaud, Wazabot

La educación

"Botlibre was a great solution for us ! We needed custom changes and the support was quick and helpfull. We manage our own script easily and without any hassle." - Miguel Ribeiro - Portugal

"O Bot Libre foi uma excelente opção para nós ! Precisávamos de alterações personalizadas e o suporte foi rápido e prestável. Conseguimos fazer a gestão do nosso guião com facilidade e sem problemas." - Miguel Ribeiro - Portugal


Deathbot - A promotional bot for a major band of a major record label.


Bots for medical diagnosis.


"Paphus was easy to work with and helpful when I had questions." - David A. Johnston, Chairman of Factom, Inc.


Business virtual assistants, education virtual tutors, surveys, and mobile apps.

"Bot Libre developed our medical bot and mobile app for Android and iOS and provided great expertise and service. I can strongly recommend working with botlibre.biz"

Empresa Bot Plataforma

"The Chat Botz Asia platform enables us to provide chatbot and artificial intelligence services in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and India" - Alagappan Karthikeyan, Cobra Softwares Inc.