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Bot Libre Forum : Can i use notepad to make aml script

RE: Can i use notepad to make aml script

por bobred publicado May 8 2017, 10:36

i imported the aiml script as a chat log.someone said i could do that. It has the extension aiml.You can browse the chatbot browse webpage of this websight.Then you will

my chatbot which is named blair.That is the one i am importing my aiml script into.I made about three or four that are public.I was using brainbot as a template because 

i wanted it's knowledge.I changed it's voice and avatar.It made it easier.I guess it is a mod. 


Id: 16965586
Publicado: May 8 2017, 10:36
Respuestas: 0
Vistas: 1531, hoy: 1, la semana: 2, mes: 7
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