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inquiry script

por bobred publicado May 16 2017, 15:33

What does the inquiry script do in the browse section?

by admin posted May 16 2017, 20:02
From its description,

The inquiry AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.

So it is part of the ALICE AIML bot. It is used by the bot's default response (* pattern) to ask random questions.

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by bobred posted May 17 2017, 7:34

The name inquiry is kind of deceptive.I thought it was a script that would allow my chatbot to ask a question about a word  it does not know the meaning of.That is a script i was hoping it was.

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by bobred posted May 17 2017, 8:35

Like for instance if the chatbot asked the question,"What does instant mean?"Because the chatbot did not know what it meant.And you had typed,"I like instant coffee."

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Id: 17232435
Publicado: May 16 2017, 15:33
Respuestas: 3
Vistas: 1577, hoy: 1, la semana: 2, mes: 5
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