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Bot Libre Dev : How can i can load response list and try to access in Bot Libre

RE: How can i can load response list and try to access in Bot Libre

por admin publicado Aug 4 2017, 8:05

Current in the test GUI the LoadChatFileAction only loads AIML or chat log files.

The code it uses is,

getBot().awareness().getSense(TextEntry.class).loadChatFile(file, "Chat Log", "", true, false);

Change it to,

getBot().awareness().getSense(TextEntry.class).loadChatFile(file, "Response List", "", false, false);

I will update the code for the next release.

Id: 18555428
Publicado: Aug 4 2017, 8:05
Respuestas: 0
Vistas: 2757, hoy: 1, la semana: 1, mes: 7
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