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Bot Libre Forum : Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

RE: Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

por admin publicado Sep 14 2017, 14:45

Not sure I understand.
What is the file, and what do you want the bot to do with it?

In general you can add a link to a bot's message to link a file.
You can upload the file to any file hosting service such as Drop Box to get a link for it. The bot's also have there own file repository you can create a link in if you wish. But basically you need to upload the file somewhere and return the link to it in the bot's message.

bot: Here is a link

bot: Here is a <a href="">file</a>

Id: 19087473
Publicado: Sep 14 2017, 14:45
Actualizado: Sep 14 2017, 14:45
Respuestas: 0
Vistas: 4004, hoy: 1, la semana: 7, mes: 21
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