El anfitrión de su propio bot plataforma con el Bot Libre Empresa Bot Plataforma
Artificial Intelligence : my bot does not learn

RE: my bot does not learn

por admin publicado Jul 27 2018, 14:29

Please include a link to your bot, and the question you sent and the reply you got, and what reply you expected.

Note that Alice is a collection of AIML scripts. You cannot just import one of the scripts and get all of Alice.
The easiest way to create an Alice bot is to create a bot from the alice_template.

To import (most of) Alice use the alice_merged script,


Note, that the Alice scripts do not have any learning enabled.
By learning we mean the bot will learn new responses from its conversations. Learning is strongly recommend never to be enabled, as users can train your bot poorly.

Id: 22973263
Publicado: Jul 27 2018, 14:29
Respuestas: 0
Vistas: 3095, hoy: 2, la semana: 4, mes: 33
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