¿Sabía usted Bot Libre también ofrece conexión alojado chat en vivo para su propio sitio web o una aplicación móvil?
Help : How can I edit the Knowledge to forget some responses.

RE: How can I edit the Knowledge to forget some responses.

por admin publicado Sep 7 2014, 8:21

You can mark responses as invalid or valid and correct responses from the Chat Logs page under Admin. You can also view all of your bot's learned responses and edit them.

If you mark those two responses as invalid, then your bot will use the third response.

If you create your bot using the default template it will contain at "WhatIs" script that attempts to answer "what is" type questions. You can delete this script from the Program page under Admin.

If you are making a bot for a specific purpose, it is best to delete the "WhatIs" and the "NounVerbAdjectiveStateMachine" scripts, or start with an empty template.

Id: 364472
Publicado: Sep 7 2014, 8:21
Respuestas: 0
Vistas: 2431, hoy: 7, la semana: 11, mes: 22
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