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Self, AIML, and scripting : Formula input and verbal programming

RE: Formula input and verbal programming

por aazxcqwe publicado Feb 9 2015, 23:32

Great. Thanks for the reply. I just finished several steps toward writing scripts verbally. I am able to say "time" and have the script evaluate (get #time on #Watch), after saying "If I say time, eval time". This is because I've written two scripts, one that returns the above function (or #equation?) and another that uses SRAI to return it prefaced by "eval". Note these scripts cannot be combined into one. Finally, the IfISay script uses SRAI reduction and creates and association with the word "time". I'm really glad that last part works. I'm not sure what #fragment refers to beside it not being a #response proper.

I doubt I would be able to use reduction within the formulas themselves.. as in "SRAI call :star" among other operators, but you never know. I would attempt this for situations like getting the hour from the time, by trying to use Get on (srai time) for example - doubt that works. Thanks for the info about Comprehension, I'd like to learn more about how it works. Next step is to try creating more formulas or functions as #actions for Android. If you have suggestions for, or would like to add to the list of tools that can be used directly with an "eval" keyword or another way, let me know so I don't duplicate coding. On that note, any suggestions if I wanted to extend the Tools such as #Watch and #Utils available?

Also, any way to extend the timeout length. I am often having to reselect the bot. Thanks again!

by admin posted Feb 10 2015, 7:48
Sounds pretty cool.

A #fragment is basically a collection of words, like a sentence, but just not a full sentence.

If you need new #Utils functions, you can just post to the features forum, and we will do our best to add it. There is a Java API for the Tools interface, I can send you that if your interested in building something more involved. But we have to way to integrate external Java code yet, other than you sending it to us and we adding it.

I think the HTTP session timeout is 30 minutes, or an hour, how long are you seeing the timeout?

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Id: 743608
Publicado: Feb 9 2015, 23:32
Respuestas: 1
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