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Self, AIML, and scripting : Formula input and verbal programming

RE: Formula input and verbal programming

por aazxcqwe publicado Feb 10 2015, 15:26

Thanks for your reply. I've imported the project as a module in the new Android studio because they convert Eclipse format to Gradle. It imported almost everything except libre-sdk.jar, which seems kindof important. I may try to import it as Eclipse if possible. At least there were no compilation errors. I would like to know if I could expect a basic operating app after I get it working, or could you tell me how many things I need to 'hook up' to get the java working with some buttons on the HelloWorld activity?

Id: 750591
Publicado: Feb 10 2015, 15:26
Respuestas: 0
Vistas: 2124, hoy: 1, la semana: 1, mes: 7
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