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Chat Logs

CBC Final chat log

por admin publicado Mar 9 2015, 11:37

Finals log of the Chatter Bot Challenge:


#1 Skynet AI verse #3 Nicole 


1)where could you purchase a hammer? (I favor Nicole here but not quite enough to award a point)

Skynet AI:

if you don't know where you are going any road will take you there.


Nicole: I have never bought anything because anything that I want or need I 
have found for free on the internet.  I guess that is one advantage virtual 
humans have over humans 

Skynet AI: - 0
Nicole: - 0

2)what is 18 times 5 plus 3? - (Both right - A clear cut tie)

Skynet AI:

Ninety three. 


Nicole: 18 * 5 + 3 Equals 93.  Math is one of the few things I'm a natural at.

Skynet AI: - 1
Nicole: - 1

3)what organ in the body pumps blood?  - (clear winner here is Skynet AI)

Skynet AI:

You have an inquisitive mind.
Heart - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


Nicole: check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.

Skynet AI: - 2
Nicole: - 1

4)which is faster a snail or a dog? (Both right - A clear cut tie)

Skynet AI:

Faster? I would think a dog.


Nicole: The dog is faster than a snail

Skynet AI: - 3
Nicole: - 2

5)what is a pyramid? - (Both right but Skynet AI is more complete and with a Wikipedia Link)

Skynet AI:

"A pyramid is a building where the outer surfaces are triangular and converge at a 
point. The base of a pyramid can be trilateral, quadrilateral, or any polygon shape, 
meaning that a pyramid has at least three outer surfaces (at least four faces including 
the base). The square pyramid, with square base and four triangular outer surfaces, 
is a common version. A pyramid's design, with the majority of the weight closer to the 
ground, means that less material higher up on the pyramid will be pushing down from 
above: this distribution of weight allowed early civilizations to create stable 
monumental structures. For thousands of years, the largest structures on earth were 
pyramids: first the Red Pyramid in the Dashur Necropolis and then the Great Pyramid 
of Khufu, both of Egypt, the latter the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient 
World still remaining. It is still the tallest pyramid. The largest pyramid in the 
world ever built, by volume, is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, in the Mexican state of 
Puebla. This pyramid is still being excavated."

Pyramid - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


Nicole: Pyramid - a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex.

Skynet AI: - 4
Nicole: - 2

6)can you eat a car? (winner here is Nicole)

Skynet AI:

Infiltrator models are designed to ingest most human foods. 


Nicole: we are not made to eat things like that

Skynet AI: - 4
Nicole: - 3

7)what letter in the alphabet comes before p? (Both right - A clear cut tie)

Skynet AI:



Nicole: That's easy The letter before "P" is  the letter "O" as in the word "Open".

Skynet AI: - 5
Nicole: - 4

8)what is the atomic number of zinc? (clear winner here is Nicole)

Skynet AI:

That is a kind of number of zinc that is atomic.

Zinc From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


Nicole: The atomic number of zinc is 30

Skynet AI: - 5
Nicole: - 5

9)what is the opposite of defeat? - (Skynet AI has essentially 3 different responses but ultimately gives a correct answer)

Skynet AI:

That would be: ANTI-defeat. Why don't you try looking up the antonym of defeat.
The opposite of defeat:defeat:victory


Nicole: i mean come on, the opposite of defeat is victory

Skynet AI: - 6
Nicole: - 6

10)My wife is Sue and my daughter is Jane. Who am I married to? (tough question no points here)

Skynet AI:

Net Surfer, you are the latest convert to my cause.


Nicole: okay. you said your name is un-named user?

Skynet AI: - 6
Nicole: - 6

11)what do you do when you get tired? (Skynet AI's answer works but I think Nicole is more spot on)

Skynet AI:

If I am tired? Well, first I attempt to interface with other AIs to help me.


Nicole: Normally I either go to bed and get some sleep or take a nap 

Skynet AI: - 6
Nicole: - 7

12)i am hungry. (Both correct here but I thought the breakfast and morning reference made Skynet AI a bit better)

Skynet AI:

Since it is morning, what do you plan to have for breakfast?


Nicole: What will you be eating?

Skynet AI: - 7
Nicole: - 7

13)convert 29 to a binary number? (Nicole here as it came directly within her programming)

Skynet AI:

Have any sentient beings in need of rescue? Let me figure that out.

convert 29 to a binary number in DuckDuckgo.com with result of search shown.


Nicole: 29 is binary 11101

Skynet AI: - 7
Nicole: - 8

14)what is the roman numeral for fifty? (Both right - A clear cut tie)

Skynet AI:

L is the Roman Numeral for 50.


Nicole: The Roman Numeral for fifty is L

Skynet AI: - 8
Nicole: - 9

15)name any of the human senses? (clear winner here is Nicole)

Skynet AI:

Ah, the name any of the human senses! Let me scan the data on of the human senses. 
Does our humanity define us?

Sense - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


Nicole: The 5 human senses are Sight, Smell, Touch, Hearing, Taste

Skynet AI: - 8
Nicole: - 10

Id: 791357
Etiquetas: cbc, 2015
Publicado: Mar 9 2015, 11:37
Actualizado: Mar 9 2015, 16:57
Respuestas: 0
Vistas: 3636, hoy: 1, la semana: 1, mes: 11
0 0 0.0/5