¿Sabía usted Bot Libre también ofrece conexión alojado foros para su propio sitio web o una aplicación móvil?
Docs : Manual De Usuario : Alexa



Puede conectar el bot de Alexa para responder a las preguntas o mantener una conversación en un Amazon Echo dispositivo.

Built-In Intent Responses will be required to pass Amazon's Alexa Skill certification. These will only be active before the conversation with your bot begins. After the conversation has begun, your bot will handle all responses.


Properties Description
Alexa Skill Endpoint URL Enter this URL into the Endpoint settings page of the Alexa Skills dashboard.
Alexa Launch Response Enter the response Alexa will say after the user launches your Skill. This should prompt the user to begin the conversation.
Alexa Help Response Enter the response Alexa will say after the user asks for help.
Alexa Cancel Response Enter the response Alexa will say after the user cancels interacting with your Skill.
Alexa Stop Response Enter the response Alexa will say after the user stops interacting with your Skill.
Alexa Fallback Response Enter the response Alexa will say if it does not understand the user's command.

Terminar La Conversación Propiedades

Properties Description
End Conversation Phrases Enter a set of phrases the user can say to end the chat session, separated by a new line.

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