The bot profile AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script answers basic questions about the bot. You need to set several bot variables for it to function. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
You can set a variable on your bot using Self while chatting with your bot:
&& set #gender to "female" on #self
or importing a chat log;
script: set #gender to "female" on #self
Language: AIML
Alias: @bot profile (alice)
Sitio web:
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Etiquetas: alice, aiml, bot
Clasificación De Contenido: Teen
Conecta: 910, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 10
La API se Conecta: 2, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 0
Última Conectar: Nov 1, 23:19