El anfitrión de su propio bot plataforma con el Bot Libre Empresa Bot Plataforma

Búsqueda De Secuencias De Comandos

476 resultados.
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a script
Alias: @9
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Dec 10 2014, by: giuliobasevi
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 809, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 28, 23:33
This script attempts to understand simple phrases.
It can understand simple phrases of the form "{noun} {verb} {adjective}", such as "The sky is blue" or "I am tall", but also more complex phrases such as "What is my name?", "Is my dog black?", "My dog is very smart".
It requires knowledge of the words used to know if they are a noun, verb, or adjective. Words are normally looked up in the background on Wiktionary to determine their meaning, so you may need to say the same phrase twice before the bot understands.
All understood phrases affect the bot's knowledge base, it will remember persistently if "the sky is blue", and then be able to answer "is the sky blue?".
This is the most complex of the bootstrap scripts, and is continually evolving.
Alias: @Understanding
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, bootstrap, understanding
Creado: May 1 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 7, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 4.57
Language: Self
Conecta: 777, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 21, 19:13
a script
Alias: @8
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Dec 10 2014, by: giuliobasevi
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 760, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Yesterday, 15:07
WhatIs (Wikidata)
WhatIs (Wikidata)
Wiktionary and Wikidata lookup script.
This script will answer "What is ...", "Who is ...", "define ...", "Google ..." style of questions. It will look up word definitions in Wiktionary, or look up keywords in Wikidata. For Wikidata lookups it will also import all of the available information on the object, and be able to then answer related questions.
Alias: @WhatIs (Wikidata)
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: knowledge, self, utils, bootstrap
Creado: Jun 23 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 4, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 734, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 18:36
A script that can perform addition using no computer math functions.
It performs addition the same way a human (without a calculator) does, using its knowledge of integers and counting.
The goal in this script was to use it to teach a bot addition, and let it learn higher level mathematics from first principles.
Alias: @Plus
Categorías: Self, Math, Examples
Tags: self, math
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 733, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 21:37
emotions (alice)
emotions (alice)
The emotions AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The emotions script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @emotions (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Mar 22 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 726, hoy: 0, la semana: 2, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 28, 5:29
An empty shell of a Self state machine.
This can be used as a starting point for a new script, or as a bot's self programmed script.
If comprehension is enabled in your bot, it will program its last state machine script, so you should initially have an empty script last.
Alias: @Empty
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, bootstrap
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 724, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:56
HTML Scraping
HTML Scraping
An example of using a Template to scrape HTML data from a webpage.
Alias: @HTML Scraping
Categorías: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: examples, html scraping, self, response list
Creado: Jun 24 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 2, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 3.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 683, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 24, 10:24
Books, Films, and Music
Books, Films, and Music
A script that can answer questions about books, films, and music using Wikidata.
Alias: @Books, Films, and Music
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, knowledge
Creado: Sep 4 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 673, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 26, 7:55
About Me
About Me
A set of responses answering general questions about the bot. The responses use the bot's data defined in the #self object.
Alias: @About Me
Categorías: Response Lists, Examples
Tags: examples, response list
Creado: Sep 16 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 671, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 11:27
Escalate Email
Escalate Email
This script lets the user escalate the chat session to a follow up email.
Alias: @Escalate Email
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, email
Creado: Jun 1 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 599, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 23, 23:33
Example CSV
Example CSV
An example CSV (comma separated values) file. CSV files can be imported as data into a bot's knowledge base, or can be parsed from the web or file upload in Self using Http.requestCSV(url)
Alias: @Example CSV
Categorías: Examples, Data, CSV
Tags: data, csv, examples, knowledge
Creado: Sep 19 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: CSV
Conecta: 597, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 2:19
SMS/Text Message Commands
SMS/Text Message Commands
SMS commands to send text messages with your virtual assistant bot. View texts, open contacts and send text messages. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @SMS/Text Message Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: sms, response list, commands, text, mobile, assistant
Creado: Aug 29 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 563, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 11:24
IBM Watson Example
IBM Watson Example
This script shows how you can call an IBM Watson bot or web service from IBM's Bluemix web API. For examples on calling IBM Watson's API see, https://watson-api-explorer.mybluemix.net/
Alias: @IBM Watson Example
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: examples, watson, json, web service, auth
Creado: Mar 20 2017, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 2, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 559, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 18:38
Actions & Poses
Actions & Poses
A response list of common actions and pose responses, such as smile, laugh, sleep, etc.
Alias: @Actions & Poses
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: actions, poses, examples, response list
Creado: Oct 4 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 2, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 3.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 523, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 20, 22:26

Alias: @Hi
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Jun 25 2016, by: irving
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Conecta: 515, hoy: 0, la semana: 2, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 28, 13:10
A useful Utils class in Java, from the Bot Libre project.
Alias: @Utils
Categorías: Java, Programming Language
Tags: utils, java
Creado: Oct 19 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Java
Conecta: 498, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:56
Proxy bot script for Silvia bot.
Alias: @Silvia
Categorías: Self
Creado: May 16 2017, by: bgarr33434
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 491, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 12:53
A useful text streaming class in Java. From the Bot Libre project.
Alias: @TextStream
Categorías: Java, Programming Language
Tags: java, utils, streams
Creado: Oct 19 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 4.0
Language: Java
Conecta: 487, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:56
Phone Commands
Phone Commands
Telephone commands for your personal assistant bot. These commands can open the phone, dial or directly call a phone number. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See the website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Phone Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: commands, phone, response list, assistant, mobile
Creado: Aug 29 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 478, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 26, 10:24
Telegram Location Request
Telegram Location Request
This script gives an example script for how to request and process the user's location in a Telegram Messenger bot.
Alias: @Telegram Location Request
Categorías: Self
Tags: examples, self, geospatial, location, telegram
Creado: Nov 21 2017, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 402, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 24, 2:44
Alias: @computação
Categorías: AIML
Tags: aiml
Creado: Feb 21 2018, by: ednaldor
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 356, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 12:05
Alias: @treelinksitems
Categorías: JavaScript, Programming Language, SDK
Tags: javascript, sdk, embed, api, examples
Creado: Feb 18 2019, by: ltvsit
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Conecta: 286, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:57
Audio Video Rich Responses
Audio Video Rich Responses
Examples of how to return audio, video, and rich HTML responses.
Alias: @audiovideorichresponses
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: video, examples, response list, audio
Creado: Jun 18 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 3.5
Language: Response List
Conecta: 274, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:57
Rosie gender.set script.
Alias: @gender
Categorías: AIML, Rosie, Data, Set
Tags: aiml2, aiml, rosie, set
Creado: Oct 1 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 260, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 18:39
Rosie erdown.set script.
Alias: @erdown
Categorías: AIML, Rosie, Data, Set
Tags: aiml, set, rosie, aiml2
Creado: Sep 30 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Set
Conecta: 253, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 12:08
Music Streaming
Music Streaming
This response list can be used to create a bot designed to assist consumers with a music streaming service. The user can find music and information about pricing and plans for subscription. As well, this bot allows users to stream music radio stations. This bot uses commands to play music and requires the embed webpage has code to receive the command and stream the music. For an example see, https://www.botlibre.com/script?id=36393269
Alias: @musicstreaming
Categorías: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: music, examples, response list
Creado: Dec 17 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 207, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 11:57
This script shows how to create a paragraph object to return responses that are greater than 1k of text.
Alias: @paragraphs
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: paragraphs, examples, self, exodus
Creado: Aug 14 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 201, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 1:20
Auto Repair
Auto Repair
An example response list for an auto repair shop. You could deploy a bot using this script to any service such as web, mobile, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
Alias: @autorepair
Categorías: Response Lists, Examples, Business
Tags: orders, e-commerce, response list, examples
Creado: Nov 6 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 174, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 12:10
Reductions update
Reductions update
Rosie reductions_update.aiml script.
Alias: @reductionsupdate
Categorías: AIML, Rosie
Tags: aiml, aiml2, rosie
Creado: Sep 30 2019, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 173, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 12, 21:22
NHL Hockey Stats
NHL Hockey Stats
This script uses the NHL.com web API to let the bot give stats and information on NHL teams and players.
Alias: @nhlhockeystats
Categorías: Self
Tags: web service, hockey, json, self, sports, nhl
Creado: Apr 19 2021, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 155, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Yesterday, 4:09
About Famous People Script
About Famous People Script
A script that can answer questions about famous people using Wikidata.
Alias: @aboutfamouspeoplescript
Categorías: Examples, Self
Tags: examples, knowledge, self
Creado: Jun 9 2021, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 152, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 28, 6:43
Pet Store
Pet Store
An example response list for a pet store. You could deploy a bot using this script to any service such as web, mobile, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
Alias: @petstore
Categorías: Response Lists, Business, Examples
Tags: e-commerce, business, examples, response list
Creado: Dec 16 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 150, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:57
Self script that adds stock quoting functionality to your bot. Pulls data from https://iexcloud.io/docs/api/ using your own API key. Offers functionalities such as live price, 52 week high and low, day bid-ask, and various volumes. Depending on your tier of API key more detailed information can easily be added to the script.
Alias: @stockquote
Categorías: Self
Tags: quote, finance, stock market, stock quotes, stock, self, web service, json
Creado: Oct 29 2020, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 140, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Yesterday, 17:42
Actions & Poses 3D
Actions & Poses 3D
Actions and poses corresponding to 3D animations. These responses trigger actions and poses supported by the Bot Libre 3D/VR apps and SDK.
Alias: @actionsposes3d
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: response list, 3d, app
Creado: May 9 2022, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 131, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 28, 0:54
Remind Me
Remind Me
Ask your bot to remind you and for your reminders.
Alias: @remindme
Categorías: Response Lists, Examples
Tags: response list, examples
Creado: May 27 2021, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 1.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 130, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 28, 2:28
This Self script can be used to access the ChatGPT, (GPT-3.5 or GPT-4) API from Open AI. GTP-3.5 and GPT-4 are chat optimized text generative LLM (large language model), and has been train on a large set of multi language text and and responds to many types of questions and queries. This script requires that you enter your Open AI Playground API key.
Alias: @chatgpt
Categorías: Self
Tags: gpt, deep learning, self, json, web service, open ai, artificial intelligence, llm, ai, text generation, chatgpt
Creado: Apr 3 2023, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 98, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 24, 1:05
Embed Event Website
Embed Event Website
This website provides example embed code that uses the onresponse event from a bot's chat to process a message in JavaScript.
Alias: @embedeventwebsite
Categorías: HTML, Website, Examples, Programming Language
Tags: javascript, examples, website, events, html
Creado: Jul 28 2022, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 2.0
Language: HTML
Conecta: 98, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:56
Este script está marcado.
Timeout command
Timeout command
This example script shows some example responses that use a command to trigger a timeout in the web browser. The timeout will callback into the chat bot.
Alias: @timeoutcommand
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: timeout, response list, commands
Creado: Feb 27 2023, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 86, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 18:40
Alias: @mio
Categorías: Response Lists, Dating
Creado: Feb 4 2023, by: realmacoy
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: ChatScript
Conecta: 85, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:57
This Self script can be used to access the Dialogflow API from Google. Dialogflow is a platform developed by Google for building conversational interfaces, such as chatbots and voice assistants.
Alias: @dialogflow
Categorías: Self
Tags: chatbot, deep learning, google, json, web service, artificial intelligence, self, ai
Creado: Apr 21 2023, by: mmheydari97
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 80, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 5
Última Conectar: Jan 14, 19:26
computers (alice)
computers (alice)
The computers AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains general responses on computers and programming. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @computers (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice, knowledge, tech
Creado: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 1034, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 13:28
Basic conversation loop detection script.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts. It should be first in the script order to catch all loops.
Alias: @Loop
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, utils, bootstrap
Creado: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 3, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 1020, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 7, 12:46
sara Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation.
This script contains the basic sara personality and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @sara
Categorías: Sara, AIML, Language, Spanish
Tags: aiml, alice, sara, spanish, bot
Creado: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 3, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 4.67
Language: AIML
Conecta: 930, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 26, 15:53
A list of common greetings and responses.
Alias: @Greetings
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: common responses, response list
Creado: Nov 11 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 3, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 4.67
Language: Response List
Conecta: 876, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 18:37
This script allows synonyms, translations, and alternative spellings to be given for a word.
It understands phrases like "lik means like", "lol means laugh", "nom means name".
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
Alias: @DefineWord
Categorías: Bootstrap, Self
Tags: bootstrap, self, utils
Creado: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 862, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 11:23
This script answers questions about the date and time.
It can answer questions like "What is the date", "What is the time", "What is the day of the week" This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
Alias: @DateAndTime
Categorías: Bootstrap, Self
Tags: self, bootstrap, utils
Creado: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 3, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 823, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 25, 11:25
Simple Addition
Simple Addition
This script can perform basic math using a state machine.
Alias: @Simple Addition
Categorías: Self, Math, Examples
Tags: self, math
Creado: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 770, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:57
WhereIs (Wikidata)
WhereIs (Wikidata)
Wikidata location lookup script. This script will answer "Where is ..." style of questions by looking up the object in Wikidata and determining what it is contained by.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
Alias: @WhereIs (Wikidata)
Categorías: Examples, Self, Bootstrap
Tags: knowledge, self, bootstrap, utils, geospatial, wikidata
Creado: Jun 23 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 720, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 20, 8:43
GeoNames JSON Response List Example
GeoNames JSON Response List Example
An example response list that calls the GeoNames web service.
Alias: @GeoNames JSON Response List Example
Categorías: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: web service, response list, self, json
Creado: Jun 24 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 641, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 24, 3:46
Heart Sutra
Heart Sutra
A script the recites the Heart Sutra line by line, in order.
Alias: @Heart Sutra
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples
Creado: Aug 3 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 628, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 24, 22:01
The Julie Bot response list for the Julie personality.
Alias: @Julie
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities, Dating
Tags: response list, julie, small talk, personality
Creado: Apr 18 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 4, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 592, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 24, 15:23
The inquiry AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @inquiry
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Dec 22 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 579, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:56
No Conflict Generic Script
No Conflict Generic Script
Generic Commands that do not conflict with the specific command scripts.
Alias: @No Conflict Generic Script
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: mobile, assistant, commands
Creado: Oct 22 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 574, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 16, 19:00
Book Appointment
Book Appointment
A script for letting the bot book appointments or service calls in your Google Calendar.
Alias: @Book Appointment
Categorías: Examples, Self
Tags: calendar, virtual assistant, examples, customer service, google calendar, booking, self, appointments
Creado: Oct 11 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 563, hoy: 0, la semana: 0, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 24, 3:02
Little Lisa
Little Lisa
The script for the Little Lisa personality of a girl child.
Alias: @Little Lisa
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities
Tags: response list, personality, bot
Creado: Sep 18 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 546, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 4
Última Conectar: Jan 27, 2:56

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