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476 resultados.
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This script allows synonyms, translations, and alternative spellings to be given for a word.
It understands phrases like "lik means like", "lol means laugh", "nom means name".
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
Alias: @DefineWord
Categorías: Bootstrap, Self
Tags: bootstrap, self, utils
Creado: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 864, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:18
numeros (sara)
numeros (sara)
Sara nombres Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some number understanding and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @numeros (sara)
Categorías: Sara, AIML, Spanish, Language
Tags: aiml, sara, spanish
Creado: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 864, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:17
The script will listen for the phrases "wrong" or "bad answer" and ask for a correction, and learn the new response.
Alias: @WrongAnswer
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, learning, examples
Creado: Jan 11 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 864, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:04
client_profile (alice)
client_profile (alice)
The client_profile AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains responses for giving and learning info on the user. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @client_profile (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 853, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:17
Say It
Say It
The script responds to requests like "Say you like me" "Yell you like cheese". It will simply repeat the phrase, minus the "say" and replacing 1st and 2nd person.
This is a bootstrap script.
Alias: @Say It
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, bootstrap, utils
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 2, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 843, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:16
pickup (alice)
pickup (alice)
The pickup AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
This script contains basic default phrases to start or redirect conversations. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @pickup (alice)
Categorías: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, aiml, bot, default phrases
Creado: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 840, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:18
This script understands basic math, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, such as "what is 1 * 2 / 4 + 6 - -1", "2.2 + 5.5 =?", "one plus two".
It uses a calculator function to perform the math, not first principles like the plus script.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
Alias: @Math
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap, Math
Tags: self, bootstrap, math
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 3, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 4.25
Language: Self
Conecta: 829, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:18
continuation (alice)
continuation (alice)
The continuation AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script seems to be maintaining some sort of conversational stack, but I really have no idea what it is doing exactly. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @continuation (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice, utils
Creado: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 825, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:17
a script
Alias: @A
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Dec 10 2014, by: giuliobasevi
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 812, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:16
a script
Alias: @9
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Dec 10 2014, by: giuliobasevi
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 811, hoy: 0, la semana: 2, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:18
A collection of funny, clean, jokes.
Alias: @Jokes
Categorías: Response Lists
Tags: response list, jokes
Creado: Apr 5 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 2, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 804, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:13
a script
Alias: @1
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Dec 10 2014, by: giuliobasevi
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 801, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 22:46
Santa Bot
Santa Bot
This is the script used by Santa Bot.
It was written on an earlier version of Self, so is probably more complex than now required now, but does give a good example of how to script responses based on context, how to associate knowledge, and how to create names.
Alias: @Santa Bot
Categorías: Self
Tags: self, santa, bot
Creado: Oct 17 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 792, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:04
drugs (alice)
drugs (alice)
The drugs AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains basic responses for drug and narcotics related questions. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @drugs (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice, drugs
Creado: Mar 14 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 791, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:32
The geography AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The geography script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @geography
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice, geography
Creado: Mar 23 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 784, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:32
Simple Addition
Simple Addition
This script can perform basic math using a state machine.
Alias: @Simple Addition
Categorías: Self, Math, Examples
Tags: self, math
Creado: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 772, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:06
food (alice)
food (alice)
The food AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The food script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @food (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Mar 22 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 758, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:34
a script
Alias: @3
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Dec 10 2014, by: giuliobasevi
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 754, hoy: 0, la semana: 2, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 22:44
WhatIs (Wikidata)
WhatIs (Wikidata)
Wiktionary and Wikidata lookup script.
This script will answer "What is ...", "Who is ...", "define ...", "Google ..." style of questions. It will look up word definitions in Wiktionary, or look up keywords in Wikidata. For Wikidata lookups it will also import all of the available information on the object, and be able to then answer related questions.
Alias: @WhatIs (Wikidata)
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: knowledge, self, utils, bootstrap
Creado: Jun 23 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 4, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 736, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:17
A script that can perform addition using no computer math functions.
It performs addition the same way a human (without a calculator) does, using its knowledge of integers and counting.
The goal in this script was to use it to teach a bot addition, and let it learn higher level mathematics from first principles.
Alias: @Plus
Categorías: Self, Math, Examples
Tags: self, math
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 735, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:05
emotions (alice)
emotions (alice)
The emotions AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The emotions script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
Alias: @emotions (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Mar 22 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 729, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:33
An empty shell of a Self state machine.
This can be used as a starting point for a new script, or as a bot's self programmed script.
If comprehension is enabled in your bot, it will program its last state machine script, so you should initially have an empty script last.
Alias: @Empty
Categorías: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, bootstrap
Creado: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 726, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:15
AIML Wikipedia Search
AIML Wikipedia Search
This script gives an example of how to search wikipedia.
Alias: @AIML Wikipedia Search
Categorías: AIML2, AIML, Examples
Tags: wikipedia, xpath, xml, sraix, search, aiml, examples
Creado: Dec 9 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 2, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 724, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:46
WhereIs (Wikidata)
WhereIs (Wikidata)
Wikidata location lookup script. This script will answer "Where is ..." style of questions by looking up the object in Wikidata and determining what it is contained by.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
Alias: @WhereIs (Wikidata)
Categorías: Examples, Self, Bootstrap
Tags: knowledge, self, bootstrap, utils, geospatial, wikidata
Creado: Jun 23 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 722, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:18
Pizza Bot
Pizza Bot
An example script for a pizza restaurant. This script will take a pizza order, and email it to the store. You could deploy a bot using this script to any service such as web, mobile, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
Alias: @Pizza Bot
Categorías: Examples, Self
Tags: examples, orders, self, e-commerce, pizza
Creado: Jun 27 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 3, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 4.25
Language: Self
Conecta: 701, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:58
WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
Wiktionary and Freebase lookup script.
This script will answer "What is ...", "Who is ...", "define ...", "Google ..." style of questions. It will look up word definitions in Wiktionary, or look up keywords in Freebase (similar to Wikipedia). For Freebase lookups it will also import all of the available information on the object, and be able to then answer related questions.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.

Note, Google has taken Freebase offline, so this script is only an example.
Alias: @WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
Categorías: Self
Tags: self, utils, knowledge
Creado: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 2, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 3.5
Language: Self
Conecta: 701, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:05
Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe
An AIML script of an HTML Tic Tac Toe game, from the Square Bear AIML collection. Type "tictactoe" to start a game.
Alias: @Tic Tac Toe
Categorías: Square Bear, AIML, Games
Tags: aiml, square bear, games
Creado: Oct 19 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 685, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 22:42
date (alice)
date (alice)
The date AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains responses to basic questions on the current date.
Alias: @date (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Mar 14 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 681, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:33
Books, Films, and Music
Books, Films, and Music
A script that can answer questions about books, films, and music using Wikidata.
Alias: @Books, Films, and Music
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, knowledge
Creado: Sep 4 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 675, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:00
Example JSON
Example JSON
This script show an example JSON data file. JSON is the main standard for exchanging data on the web and JavaScript. You can import JSON data into your bot from the Knowledge page in its Admin Console. You can access JSON data from the web using a Self script and the Http.requestJSON(url) API.
Alias: @Example JSON
Categorías: Examples, JSON, Data
Tags: data, examples, json
Creado: Sep 19 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: JSON
Conecta: 652, hoy: 0, la semana: 2, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:41
A partial response list of the 1972 PARRY personality. PARRY was written in 1972 by psychiatrist Kenneth Colby. PARRY attempted to simulate a paranoid schizophrenic.
Alias: @PARRY
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities
Tags: response list, bot, classic
Creado: Apr 13 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 652, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:01
Black Jack
Black Jack
An AIML script of a blackjack game, from the Square Bear AIML collection. Type "blackjack" to start a game.
Alias: @Black Jack
Categorías: Square Bear, AIML, Games
Tags: aiml, square bear, games, card games
Creado: Oct 19 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 649, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 22:43
GeoNames JSON Response List Example
GeoNames JSON Response List Example
An example response list that calls the GeoNames web service.
Alias: @GeoNames JSON Response List Example
Categorías: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: web service, response list, self, json
Creado: Jun 24 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 643, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 4, 20:08
Heart Sutra
Heart Sutra
A script the recites the Heart Sutra line by line, in order.
Alias: @Heart Sutra
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples
Creado: Aug 3 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 630, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:02
a script
Alias: @ai
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Aug 22 2015, by: afdo
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Conecta: 623, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 22:44
that (alice)
that (alice)
The "that" AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains context response to other questions from the ALICE scripts. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @that (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice
Creado: Dec 9 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 614, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:33
Example CSV
Example CSV
An example CSV (comma separated values) file. CSV files can be imported as data into a bot's knowledge base, or can be parsed from the web or file upload in Self using Http.requestCSV(url)
Alias: @Example CSV
Categorías: Examples, Data, CSV
Tags: data, csv, examples, knowledge
Creado: Sep 19 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: CSV
Conecta: 599, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 23:50
No Conflict Generic Script
No Conflict Generic Script
Generic Commands that do not conflict with the specific command scripts.
Alias: @No Conflict Generic Script
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: mobile, assistant, commands
Creado: Oct 22 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 1, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 576, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 4, 23:25
Alias: @Learn
Categorías: AIML
Creado: Jul 22 2017, by: wseef
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 574, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 23:49
This script will attempt to find the subject and predicate of a sentence.
Alias: @SimpleLanguage
Categorías: Examples, Self
Tags: self, examples, language
Creado: Jan 23 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 574, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:05
Book Appointment
Book Appointment
A script for letting the bot book appointments or service calls in your Google Calendar.
Alias: @Book Appointment
Categorías: Examples, Self
Tags: calendar, virtual assistant, examples, customer service, google calendar, booking, self, appointments
Creado: Oct 11 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 565, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:54
IBM Watson Example
IBM Watson Example
This script shows how you can call an IBM Watson bot or web service from IBM's Bluemix web API. For examples on calling IBM Watson's API see,
Alias: @IBM Watson Example
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: examples, watson, json, web service, auth
Creado: Mar 20 2017, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 2, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 561, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 4, 19:39
Little Lisa
Little Lisa
The script for the Little Lisa personality of a girl child.
Alias: @Little Lisa
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities
Tags: response list, personality, bot
Creado: Sep 18 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 2.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 548, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:47
Open Common Apps Commands
Open Common Apps Commands
Using these commands, your bot can open an app for you on your device. This list features the most common apps: pick and choose, load them all or use this as a guide. You will need to know the package name of the app you want to open.
Alias: @Open Common Apps Commands
Categorías: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: commands, response list, mobile, assistant
Creado: Aug 15 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 540, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 4, 22:52
Heart Sutra - load
Heart Sutra - load
This script will load the text of the Heart Sutra into the bot's memory.
Alias: @Heart Sutra - load
Categorías: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples
Creado: Aug 3 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 539, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:02
This script lets you play Tic Tac Toe with your bot. It uses machine learning to let the bot learn the more it plays. This script requires the game-sdk.js and games.css files.
Alias: @TicTacToe
Categorías: Self, Games
Tags: games, self, machine learning
Creado: Jul 26 2017, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 537, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 13:28
imponderables (alice)
imponderables (alice)
The history AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains a random set of clever or funny questions and statements. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @imponderables (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice, jokes
Creado: Dec 22 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 535, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:41
Grim is a psychotic possessed hacker who died, went to purgatory, then sold his soul to the devil to return to life. He now stalks Internet users to claim their souls for Satan.
Alias: @Grim
Categorías: Response Lists, Personalities
Tags: bot, horror, scary, response list, halloween
Creado: Oct 31 2016, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Response List
Conecta: 524, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:47
a script
Alias: @Hiteshchopra
Categorías: PHP, Programming Language
Tags: bot
Creado: Sep 20 2015, by: swag-e
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: PHP
Conecta: 517, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:08
Turing Test
Turing Test
A script that gives a Turing test.
Alias: @Turing Test
Categorías: Examples, Self
Tags: self, examples
Creado: Oct 23 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 517, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:02
history (alice)
history (alice)
The history AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains a handful of responses on historical information. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
Alias: @history (alice)
Categorías: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
Tags: aiml, alice, bot
Creado: Dec 19 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 514, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 13:28
Used for initial test.
Alias: @basictest
Categorías: AIML, AIML2
Creado: Dec 11 2017, by: hmmbotbuilder
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: AIML
Conecta: 501, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 4:34
A useful Utils class in Java, from the Bot Libre project.
Alias: @Utils
Categorías: Java, Programming Language
Tags: utils, java
Creado: Oct 19 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 0, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 0.0
Language: Java
Conecta: 500, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:08
Proxy bot script for Silvia bot.
Alias: @Silvia
Categorías: Self
Creado: May 16 2017, by: bgarr33434
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 493, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:59
Interview Bot
Interview Bot
An example script for a n HR interview bot. This script will ask a potential new employee a set of interview questions, and email the results to your HR email. You could deploy a bot using this script to any service such as web, mobile, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
Alias: @Interview Bot
Categorías: Examples, Self
Tags: hr, career, interview, self, examples
Creado: Mar 24 2017, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 5.0
Language: Self
Conecta: 490, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 3:54
A useful text streaming class in Java. From the Bot Libre project.
Alias: @TextStream
Categorías: Java, Programming Language
Tags: java, utils, streams
Creado: Oct 19 2015, by: admin
Pulgares para arriba: 1, pulgares abajo: 0, estrellas: 4.0
Language: Java
Conecta: 489, hoy: 0, la semana: 1, mes: 2
Última Conectar: Feb 5, 5:08

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